Bukhara - at a glance
• Pure Klemm-interlock-system
• Designed after the Archiveda®-Principle
• Balanced proportions
• Freedom to design the wall behind
• Extremely stable, multiplex, solid wood
• No metal
• Easy set-up, no tools needed
• Stable and sturdy
• Continuous horizontal optic throughout
• No side or back plates
• Cabel management without holes
• 30% more storage space than an average
• Flexible choice of colours
• Free from harmful substances
• PEFC certified origin
• Made in Germany, Switzerland
Bukhara – pure delight for every wall
Are you looking for an innovative shelving system that suits your needs? Do you follow your instinct? Then Bukhara is the perfect choice for your! All parts simply interlock. There is no need for noisy
drilling and your walls stay perfectly intact. Bukhara makes organizing and moving easier than ever. Imagine a shelf, 4 meters wide and 2,5 meters tall set up in half an hour - one screw only to stop it from toppling over – that’s it. Your beautiful wall colour remains visible and undamaged, you can even install a lamp, pull down the cord, plug it in and it works!
Bukhara – made for those in a hurry with a sense of beauty
If you like efficiency you will love Bukhara! Quick, sturdy and beautiful, all at once! Bukhara
brings everything together: large and small, precious and miscellaneous, all your books and
folders, the souvenirs you brought home from your travels - everything finds its place on this
beautiful shelf displayed in front of your very personal wall colour. Bukhara combines all your
memories in one beautiful display to create your very own personal space of bliss.
Bukhara – turns plain walls into beautiful space
You are organised and like archive boxes? Or maybe you are someone who really likes to neatly file away piles of paper in folders. Bukhara offers space for everything – a shelving system that is at the same time attractive, clear and concise.
Bukhara - because it is authentic and creates a sense wellbeing
Natural European solid wood provides the shelving support structure. It can be pure and clean or with enhanced wearability and anti-fingerprint properties. Naturally, the colour comes from water based paint and is free of solvents. Everything is clearly visible and authentic. Master carpenters from Switzerland and Germany produce your individual shelf with the greatest care and joy.
Bukhara - An Architectural Jewel
Bukhara is situated within a fertile oasis in Uzbekistan. Historically, it was a place of scholars and traders and is known as one of the most buzzling cities along the famous and legendary Silk Road. Today Bukhara is a popular place where a a multitude of different cultures and religions still come together in a true melting pot between Orient and Occident. It is considered the ‘Enchanted City’ due to its extraordinary libraries its remarkable architecture. Its uniqueness certainly contributed to the inclusion into the liste of the UNESCO world heritage sites.
Latrace GmbH
Colour Coaching. Hospitality
Concepts. Interior Design.
Vonmattstraße 42a,
CH-6003 Luzern
ines.klemm@latrace.ch www.latrace.ch
Responsible for the content according to § 10 paragraph 3 MDSIV: Dipl.-Ing. Architect Ines Klemm, PhD
Registered in Luzern: CHE-116.048.007
VAT-Nr.: CHE-116.048.007 MWST
Deutsche Steuer-Nr.: 09417/22105 (Finanzamt Konstanz)
Website content and concept development: Latrace GmbH
Graphic design: fenchelino. atelier für kommunikation & design
Latrace GmbH
Colour Wellbeing. Hospitality. Concepts. Interior Design.
Dipl.-Ing. Architect Ines Klemm, PhD
Member of AIC - Association Internationale de la Couleur